Author: Brenda Abdilla P.C.C.

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  • Blind Spots
  • Books and Resources
  • Burn Out
  • Career Change
  • Career Coaching Testimonials
  • Career Compass
  • Confidence
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Goal Setting
  • Going To The Ugly
  • Leadership Advice
  • Leadership Testimonials
  • Networking
  • Procrastination
  • Relationships
  • Sales
  • Stress
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  • Team building
  • Time Management
  • Videos
  • Working Remotely
  • Workshop
Career Change

How do You Want Your 2013 to Look?

Sometimes we over-complicate simple tasks with expectations that the setting must be perfect to accomplish the task at hand.  While it’s nice to take time ...
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How would you rate your stress tolerance today?

I was in a grocery store parking lot the other day behind a guy who was laying on his horn, yelling profanities and pounding his ...
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Career Change

2012 Reading List

“Evaluate what you want – because what gets measured, gets produced.” James A Belasco An easy way is to start tracking your reading is to start a ...
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Career Change

How to snap out of it and send stress packing

There are bad days and there are bad days… Everything is going wrong from traffic, to your cell phone’s reception, to your bank account. The important meeting ...
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Career Change

Does Your sales team have a high EQ?

Emotional Intelligence (EI)is defined as a set of emotional and social skills that collectively establish how well we: Perceive and express ourselves Develop and maintain social ...
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Books and Resources

Helpful Tips & Tools Featuring A Free Personality Test

MAKING MORE SALES: Salespeople: Stick to your knitting There are a wide variety of opinions on what the phrase “stick to your knitting” means, but ...
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Career Change

How To Stop Wanting Things That Are “Bad” For You

What Tempts You? Tempted to spend money when you are on a budget? Or perhaps you are trying to give up watching silly TV shows ...
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Books and Resources

Helpful Tips and Tools For Moms

Goodbye Guilt! 5 Strategies To Help Moms Get a Grip On Useless Guilt Guilt is the go-to emotion for most moms. Moms feel guilty at ...
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Books and Resources

Helpful Tips and Tools For Job Seekers

Three MYTHS For Job Seekers Myth 1: You are too old. I talk with many 40+ professionals who think they are too old to really ...
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Career Change

Try This Approach And Go To The Next Level

When most of us say we have “tried everything” to break through previous barriers and raise the bar, what we really mean, of course, is ...
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Career Change

How To Get Un-Stuck

  Not enough business coming in? Deeply confused about career or life direction? Can’t find that great job? Being stuck stinks!    Here is how ...
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Career Change

It’s never too late to start this

This is my second year of tracking the books I read and now I am hooked. Keeping a list actually encourages me to read more. ...
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