What Clients Say About Working With Brenda

  • I was struggling with putting my strategic plans into action, challenging staff and with the general feeling of overwhelm. I knew I needed help but I did not know where to find it. I interviewed multiple "executive coaches" but many did not have the actions to back up their statements or the experience to get me where I needed to go. A friend recommended Brenda and, suddenly, things clicked.

    Brenda was easy to get along with, had empathy for my situation and immediately helped put actionable priorities in place. I started to see my business life transform. While working on rolling out my strategy, Brenda also pushed me to look at me. What did I want? Where did I want to go? She asked thought provoking questions that ultimately led me to change where I thought I wanted to go because either society was pushing me in that direction or my boss wanted me to go "there" next. The end result for me - several resume building bullets with proven execution that led me to my next role, a promotion to a Vice President position at a company 5x the size of my current position (Director).
    Brenda is an excellent coach and works with YOU in mind. She helps create actionable plans to deliver results and, in my case, a promotion.
    Michelle Magnetti Director
  • Brenda was my executive coach for over a year. I started working with Brenda right after coming back from maternity leave and was settling into my new role as a VP. The range of tactics and insights she provided were invaluable and made incredible differences in my working style as well as among my team members. I am forever grateful for her encouragement, honesty, patience and enthusiasm that allowed me to excel in areas I never knew possible. In addition she helped me understand my core values as a leader and helped me shape my role in a very succinct and powerful way that has made impacts not only at work but in my personal life as well. Bottom line - Brenda freaking ROCKS!

    Taylor Woodard
  • 5 1/2 years ago, when I wanted to shift my gynecologic practice to a completely new model, focusing on female health and wellness, I engaged Brenda as a business coach, in her Leadership Coaching program. Brenda helped me envision what I wanted my practice to look like and from the beginning has helped me with both practical advise on day to day matters to big picture planning. She has gently encouraged me to stretch myself and remains as an enormous support. I cannot recommend her highly enough!
    Dianne Stone
  • Brenda is the consummate professional bringing effective solutions to every challenge I have had. Brenda's invaluable input has launched me forward both professionally and personally and she continues to support me with compassion and humor.

    Michelle Humbach
  • I have been lucky enough to work with Brenda since my career began in the marketing agency world. I started as an Account Coordinator in 2012 and am now Director of Business Development & Accounts for a leading Denver web firm. I credit everything to working with Brenda.

    Randall Hartman
  • Working with Brenda Abdilla as I launched my professional career has skyrocketed my success and allowed me to do more, be more, and see more than I ever would have otherwise. She has an unreal ability to deep dive into your personal strengths, capitalize on them, and inspire you to be the best person you can be, far beyond the workplace. Highly recommend to all who are looking to take their career to the next level.

    Chelsea Humbach
  • Brenda is incredible! No matter the challenge she has an approach/tool/exercise to remedy it. Not only has my career rocketed forward but my level of understanding and acceptance in all forms is tremendously more powerful. My life is far more exciting!
    Joshua Johnson
  • Brenda is a fantastic coach. Her wisdom and guidance are always clear, helpful and forward focused. I can't recommend her highly enough!

    Dr Carrie
  • I engaged with Brenda as my leadership coach a few years ago when I made the decision to focus on growing my consulting company. Running a company and being an entrepreneur can be extremely isolating. You don't have access to the leadership development resources available in large corporations. Brenda has been invaluable in helping me navigate business growth while developing my leadership style. I am more confident in my own capabilities and direction and my business is thriving as a result.

    Erica Spoor
  • I am very grateful for the Career Coaching sessions that I had with Brenda. She helped me get in touch with what I really want during a time of professional and personal evolution for me. She gave me strong and sound advice, she gave me tools to use when I face small and large challenges, she helped me see everything is manageable if not conquerable with the right approach and surrounding decisions and support. No doubt my life is changed and improved since we worked together. She walks the talk and she helped make some singular and critical connections for me. I cannot recommend her coaching highly enough.

    Ginger Collins
  • I’ve been working with Brenda from Management Momentum Coaching for about 6 months and have nothing but positive things to say about her! I am new to the area and she has helped me build my network in the community. Working with her has taught me a lot about myself, and helped me identify my idea career direction. I will admit that I have been skeptical about career coaching in the past, but Brenda has changed my opinion. If you are struggling to identify your path forward, you should call Management Momentum Coaching!

    Alan Erdley
  • I worked with Brenda during a very difficult time in my life as a business owner. She brought clarity to my thinking and help me create a path forward.

    Jen Thoemke
  • Brenda is a wonderful coach. She is very skilled at asking questions to help drill down to the root of the issue and her arsenal of coaching exercises was very valuable. I appreciated her positive demeanor as well as her willingness to shoot it straight when needed. Brenda met me where I was and helped me grow to where I wanted to be. I highly recommend Management Momentum for those in leadership positions or for those wanting to further grow into their existing roles.

    Blakelee Mills
  • "Whether you need an advisor, coach or workshop to assist with your team’s development and efficiencies, Brenda Abdilla is my go-to.  Brenda has a real understanding of people and today’s work/life environment.  She is an excellent listener and she accurately uncovers individual and group values, dreams and purpose.  She then helps guide you to keep these front and center while accomplishing BIG goals."

    Ellen Collins, CMP Vail Resorts Meetings & Events
  • I have been lucky enough to work with Brenda since my career began in the marketing agency world. I started as an Account Coordinator in 2012 and am now Director of Business Development & Accounts for a leading Denver web firm. I credit everything to working with Brenda.

    Lead Accounts Manager/Marketing
  • Brenda is the consummate professional bringing effective solutions to every challenge I have had. Brenda's invaluable input has launched me forward both professionally and personally and she continues to support me with compassion and humor.

    Business Owner/College Counseling
  • Brenda is a fantastic coach. Her wisdom and guidance are always clear, helpful and forward focused. I can't recommend her highly enough!

    Dr Carrie/PhD Therapist
  • Working with Brenda Abdilla as I launched my professional career has skyrocketed my success and allowed me to do more, be more, and see more than I ever would have otherwise. She has an unreal ability to deep dive into your personal strengths, capitalize on them, and inspire you to be the best person you can be, far beyond the workplace. Highly recommend to all who are looking to take their career to the next level.

    Lead Account Manager/Branding Agency
  • Brenda is incredible! No matter the challenge she has an approach/tool/exercise to remedy it. Not only has my career rocketed forward but my level of understanding and acceptance in all form is tremendously more powerful. My life is far more exciting!

    Business Owner/Healer
  • 5 1/2 years ago, when I wanted to shift my gynecologic practice to a completely new model, focusing on female health and wellness, I engaged Brenda as a business coach, in her Leadership Coaching program. Brenda helped me envision what I wanted my practice to look like and from the beginning has helped me with both practical advice on day to day matters to big picture planning. She has gently encouraged me to stretch myself and remains as an enormous support. I cannot recommend her highly enough!

  • I engaged with Brenda as my leadership coach a few years ago when I made the decision to focus on growing my consulting company. Running a company and being an entrepreneur can be extremely isolating. You don't have access to the leadership development resources available in large corporations. Brenda has been invaluable in helping me navigate business growth while developing my leadership style. I am more confident in my own capabilities and direction and my business is thriving as a result.

    Owner/CEO Technical Strategy
  • Brenda was my executive coach for over a year. I started working with Brenda right after coming back from maternity leave and was settling into my new role as a VP. The range of tactics and insights she provided were invaluable and made incredible differences in my working style as well as among my team members. I am forever grateful for her encouragement, honesty, patience and enthusiasm that allowed me to excel in areas I never knew possible. In addition, she helped me understand my core values as a leader and helped me shape my role in a very succinct and powerful way that has made impacts not only at work but in my personal life as well. Bottom line - Brenda freaking ROCKS

    EVP/ Marketing Agency
  • "What a journey we've been on together!  It has been transformational- and I'll never forget you and our work.  Yours will be one of the voices in my head guiding me onward and upward- in a healthy way!"

  • I came to Brenda after working for months on my own to find the correct company to start the next part of my career. I had been trying to utilize tools and methods that are commonly available, but was consistently finding opportunities with companies that were not a good fit for my career path. I felt like I was swimming upstream on a chaotic career search. She helped me define what I wanted so that I could find exactly what I wanted. Brenda advised me through the interview process and I was able to find a great fit in less than 2 months. I would highly recommend working with Brenda, she will certainly be a part of my future growth.

    Heather Technology Key Accounts
  • Brenda made me work hard to understand where I'd been and why so that I could figure out the right direction to go next.  She was supportive but held me accountable and as a result played a critical role in my current position without even knowing it at the time. I was up all night after receiving an offer for a role I really wanted that came in below what I needed it to be. I played with the numbers, I debated with myself, I wrote emails to the hiring manager that I didn't send.  Eventually I gave up and went to bed.  But I woke up the next morning and realized I would have to admit to her if I accepted less than my target compensation and decided I owed us both my best effort. So, I wrote up a succinct list of points (hearing her coaching in my head as I did so) and called the hiring manager. By mid-day I had the offer I wanted and the job I'd been seeking for a long time. I am 100% certain that I would not be where I am without Brenda's guidance.  The best part is that I can continue to rely on her guidance to make the most of this opportunity.

    Jenny, Denver
  • During my recent career transition, I had the good fortune of working with Brenda Abdilla. Brenda provided the objectivity and clarity I needed to uncover what I truly wanted for the next stage of my professional life. Her smart, generous and thoughtful approach to coaching helped me gain a better understanding of myself, my past accomplishments and my future potential. Thanks to Brenda and my new found understanding of the opportunities available to me, I found a new job that is the perfect blend of fulfilling and enjoyable.

    Kerry, Denver Vice President, Marketing
  • Brenda’s deep knowledge and expertise for personal development is coupled with a strong passion to help others grow and flourish in their lives. She has a way of helping you discover the one thing that is right in front of your face in a graceful and profound manner that continually knocks my socks off! Thank you Brenda!

    Jaime Rowe
    Jaime Rowe PMP
  • Brenda is an indispensable extension of our team. She acts as sales coach for each of our salespeople, and she has helped me too! All this, and Brenda is a light, a delight, a gem of a gal. Lucky us!

    Wendy O’Donovan Phillips
    Wendy O’Donovan Phillips Big Buzz
  • I worked with Brenda Abdilla while I was contemplating the next step I should take with my career. Over the course of a few months we were able to start with the basics – what I wanted to do, what I thought I was good at, what others thought of me – and focused on those to help craft my ideal next step. After working through my strengths and skills and what my next role and organization would fit best, we worked this into a strategy of preparing my resume, interviewing skills & preparing for interviews. All of this work culminated in securing a new role with a world class organization that aligned to my strengths and skills and I really feel I could not have done all of this without Brenda’s guidance and assistance.

    Eric Software Engineer
  • "Brenda truly created a non-threatening environment for me, and made it extremely easy for my thoughts and ideas to flow. I never felt self conscious or inhibited. I walked away from our session feeling energized and more engaged with what I want in my life and in my business than ever before. The ideas and thoughts she was able to bring out of me have elevated my self confidence and I now know that my future holds no boundaries."

    Entrepreneur/Business Owner
  • Working with Brenda has changed my life! Her expertise, passion and energy are truly inspiring. Through various coaching exercises I gained valuable insight and more awareness to my leadership style. I worked through Emotional Intelligence, Leadership Profile and my defined my Goals and Vision. This provided me a newfound direction, confidence and clarity, which ultimately enhanced my value to my team and to my organization. I feel empowered with wisdom and gained a lifetime of experience through working with Brenda in only months.

    VP Sales
  • Brenda allowed me to focus on my key goals and initiatives, which were very high level and not specific. At the conclusion of our conversations, I had a clear plan and a focus on the areas I could make an impact on immediately. I also created a plan with Brenda’s coaching that allowed me to stay on task with staying disciplined to meet my weekly goals.

    Entrepreneur/Business Owner
  • Working with Brenda has been nothing short of outstanding. Not only is her guidance right-on-the money, but her style couldn’t be more enjoyable. It’s a special professional that can defuse the dread in a job search…Brenda has really helped.

  • I would highly encourage anyone interested in expanding their thought processes around their life and business to schedule a session(s) with Brenda. Not only does she have the expertise and skills necessary to lead and guide a conversation and stay on task, but also call any attributes out that may be inhibiting progress without even knowing it.

    Sales Rep
  • What makes Brenda’s coaching style different, is that she not only takes the verbally stated goals into consideration, but in addition, she is so good at listening for the other things that I was able to improve on and hold accountability for my part on improving as well.

    Medical Educator
  • It was great to realize what kind of person I am from the Enneagram type test and how true it was. Also, with the StrenghtsFinder test and my top 5 fit me to a tee. it was amazing how they both go hand and hand.

    Outside Sales Rep
  • I would recommend this to anyone who wants to get to the next level and maximize their strengths to sell. What a difference it has made for me. This is a gradual effect over time, not immediate. Brenda is the best trainer/coach I ever had. She has helped me not only form a work stand point, but on a personal level as well. This was the best training I ever experienced.

    Outside Sales Rep
  • Brenda has guided me with invaluable conversation leading to vision clarity, self validation and magical synchronicity of steps to ensure realization of my life goals!

    Director of Key Accounts
  • Brenda truly created a non-threatening environment for me, and made it extremely easy for my thoughts and ideas to flow. I never felt self conscious or inhibited. I walked away from our session feeling energized and more engaged with what I want in my life and in my business than ever before. The ideas and thoughts she was able to bring out of me have elevated my self confidence and I now know that my future holds no boundaries.

    Entrepreneur/Business Owner
  • My entire experience was, profoundly, rewarding. I still wish I was working with Brenda.

    Sales Manager
  • Brenda has guided me with invaluable conversation leading to vision clarity, self validation and magical synchronicity of steps to ensure realization of my life goals!

    Director of Key Accounts
  • Every manager in America should experience what I did. Brenda excels in giving you practical and theoretical tools for effective managing. After a few weeks, Brenda’s training program will have you looking inward as to who you are… as a professional… and as a person.

    Sales Manager
  • Brenda’s coaching has lead to me feeling more confident as a manager, leader, and person.

    Sales Manager
  • Working with Brenda was extremely educational and productive. She provided outstanding feedback and guidance. I am really looking forward to working with her again in any future endeavors! Thank you for the opportunity to share some thoughts and wish you and Brenda much success.

    Senior Sales Rep
  • Brenda, I can't tell you enough how much our time together helped me through this chapter in my career.  Really I was stuck and know I couldn't have gotten here alone.  The coaching and all the assessments gave me so much clarity.  I was not even nervous walking in to my new role this morning.

  • Life is at full speed.  Definitely lots of Momentum. Business is great. I recommend you often to friends and colleagues and will let you know when there is an opportunity for your help.  You helped me and continue to work on my  goal to have a series of speeches to appeal to many audiences – perhaps it will turn into a book.  You are my inspiration.  You are excellent coach.

    VP Sales/Hospitality
  • Brenda, I can't tell you enough how much our time together helped me through this chapter in my career.  Really I was stuck and know I couldn't have gotten here alone.  The coaching and all the assessments gave me so much clarity.  I was not even nervous walking in to my new role this morning.


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