Leadership & Workplace Assessments

Workplace assessments, such as psychometric tests, scientifically measure behavior and competencies to match individuals with suitable roles, benefiting both employers and employees by improving job satisfaction, productivity, and overall success while helping HR teams optimize talent placement.

Scientifically Validated Workplace Assessments

We use scientifically validated assessments that empower leaders and their teams to gain a deep understanding of their inherent strengths. 

FREE Assessments

Below you will find FREE assessments I have created for my clients. Each one works on a different aspect including the topics of your work style preferences, how ready you are for a career change, how you manage your time and how you score on the motherhood-guilt scale.
The Stressessment

This quick assessment is designed to help you look at five of your life categories and not only see where your stress may be but also might help you notice where you are doing really well (which is very good for your brain).

The Work Mode Assessment

Understanding your approach to tasks and projects can help make you more efficient, effective and, ultimately, more successful. – This assessment takes less than 5 minutes to complete!


It’s unhelpful to just say you have time management issues. Now you can find out which categories of time management are strengths for you, and which are opportunities. Is it your inbox or your time estimation skills? Your organization skills or physical space? 

Career Change Readiness Quiz

Though the prospect of a new start is refreshing, before you take the leap take our quick quiz to confirm your preparedness before starting anew.

Authentic Career Confidence Assessment

Take the 6 P’s of Career Confidence Assessment to find out which categories are strengths and where your CONFIDENCE opportunities lie.

Reduce stress and find healthy coping strategies for joy, calmness, and productivity with the readily available resources in this book.

Invest in your team, invest in your companies future.

Let Brenda guide your team and unlock their full potential.Contact Brenda today if your team can benefit from one of our Workplace Assessments at your organization.


The Highly Engaged Leader

Leader burnout is reaching unprecedented levels. While time off can help, what leaders truly need are enhanced tools and skills to effectively navigate the overwhelming stress and pressure of modern leadership.

  • Custom Handout
  • The Highly Engaged Leader Assessment and Report
  • A Recording of the Program
  • Copy of my book Outsmarting Crazytown