What To Do When Life Gets Sticky

 In Books and Resources, Confidence, Work Stress

It is my great pleasure to feature a blog by Life Balance Expert, Mary LoVerde. It is no mystery why Mary has been on Oprah, 20/20 and World News Tonight. Mary has the gift of being able to talk to us about difficult subjects by bringing a fresh and yet timeless perspective to even the most complex issues like balancing work and life, overwhelm and relationships.

I am also lucky to call Mary one of my closest, dearest friends and now I get to share her with all of you. I know you will enjoy this most sticky topic.

Read, What To Do When Life Gets Sticky.

What To Do When Life Gets Sticky


Mary will also be a panelist at my upcoming workshop in May. Less Agony-More Meaning: Exploring Your Real Options at Mid-Career


Mary LoVerde’s Books

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People who make a commitment to reduce their stress and find healthy coping strategies can see results right away. Experiencing greater joy, a sense of calm, and a clear, powerful, productive mind is all possible; the resources for reducing nearly any kind of stress are readily available to us. This book is one of those resources.

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