Author: Brenda Abdilla P.C.C.

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  • Blind Spots
  • Books and Resources
  • Burn Out
  • Career Change
  • Career Coaching Testimonials
  • Career Compass
  • Confidence
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Goal Setting
  • Going To The Ugly
  • Leadership Advice
  • Leadership Testimonials
  • Networking
  • Procrastination
  • Relationships
  • Sales
  • Stress
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  • Team building
  • Time Management
  • Videos
  • Working Remotely
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Clement Stone Quote

Do this more if you want to have more power over your time…and your life

What would it feel like to know that you had your arms wrapped securely around your career, while enjoying your life and delivering on your ...
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Books and Resources

Have I got a Book Recommendation for You!

Activate Your Brain is the new handbook for professionals who want to be more productive, less stressed, and actually happier in their busy lives. Not ...
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Let desire drive better actions in your life

Imagine for a moment that it’s six months from today and you are having lunch with a friend. You are telling your friend that you ...
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BIG Myths
Career Change

Three BIG Myths of Achieving the Life and Career of Your Dreams

If you are going through a life change—and especially if you are contemplating a big career change—you are about to bump up against some very ...
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time management
Time Management

Trying to get a handle on your time management?

I recently had an epiphany about time management, and I am going to share it with you right now: A time management strategy is not ...
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Leaders add this
Leadership Advice

Leaders Add This to Feel Less Overwhelm

Leading a team can be a thankless job. It seems there is no end to the number of “fires” a department head or leader has ...
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confidential information

When to Zip-IT at Work

Do you work with people you share confidential information with to get or give a heads-up? If so, you could actually be adding more stress to ...
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Team building

Getting Your Team to Produce Results

Have you ever heard that saying, “the beatings will continue until morale improves”? Sure, it is funny, but it is also reflective of a management ...
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Leaders, make it a great year
Books and Resources

Leaders, make it a great year: 3 books and 1 Ted Talk

MentorShift: The Four Step Process to Improve Leadership Development, Engagement and Knowledge Transfer. By: Lori Bachman. Mentoring is all the rage in companies these days—but ...
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Career Change

YOU as a Product

If you are looking to get promoted at work or embark on a new career, you might want to take stock of “you” as a ...
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Career Change

Will finding your passion lead you to your purpose?

Is it me, or does it seem like everyone in the world is obsessed with finding their purpose? People want to find their “purpose” in ...
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Career Change

Do you really need to attend that meeting? Funny Video

Death by meeting is not just the name of a book—it’s the name of an epidemic in today’s work environment. Unstructured, out-of-control meetings are not ...
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