How To Dig Out From Under Your Piles

 In Books and Resources, Career Change, Stress

17257631_sFeeling buried by your mounting list of things to do? “To-do” stress has a big impact on our overall stress level in life because it makes us feel bad, often without our awareness. To-do stress is like a program or application on our computer that we have minimized and forgotten about that is still running in the background-taking up space and resources. Here are some easy strategies to get a ton done in a single session and enjoy the great feeling that comes from checking things off your list.

  1. Cut off in-coming work “traffic”– If you want to make a big leap in progress on your tasks, then you are going to need a way to stop incoming to-dos for the time being. Examples are turning off the wireless on your laptop while clearing your in-box, putting signs up on your door that say “do not disturb”, going in to work early or on a weekend day when no one will be around, etc.
  2. Create the right atmosphere and build in breaks – Treat yourself (and your brain) to an atmosphere that makes task completion more desirable. Some people might download some new music, put the Golf channel on in the background, or buy a big mocha latte to make the task-doing more pleasant. Be sure to plan breaks and set timers to help you along as well—for example, “60 minutes clearing my desk and then I get to call my sister and take a break.” Be sure that your motivators and breaks do not turn into avoidance strategies—you know yourself well enough to know what will keep you on task and what will de-rail your efforts.
  3. Touch it, do it – Every time-management, de-cluttering expert gives us this advice because it’s great advice. You know the drill—if you pick it up or see it—deal with it immediately by deleting it, acting on it  (if it takes two minutes or less) or deferring it by putting it on a schedule and removing it from it’s current place.

Share with us any other tips you have for dealing with To-Do stress…

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