Do this when you are surrounded by bad news
Coping is the new MBA. In the 90’s if you wanted to get ahead in the world of business you spent $50,000 on an MBA. Today if you want to remain relevant at work you have to do more than survive-you have to cope-and even thrive in spite of it all. Not easy but totally doable.
Sure it appears that our elected officials have completely lost their minds and our children’s school systems are crumbling and the wacky weather claiming lives all over the globe. Sure, yes, of course, this is all very awful. Something should be done. So do something. Sorry whining, complaining, yelling at the TV or ringing your hands do not count. Write a letter, write your congressperson, or write a check. And then go back to work.
The secret to coping is hoping
Many think that the secret to coping and being productive in the face of so much bad news is to be positive; to stop thinking about the bad things. That is nearly impossible. Instead, go out and find something additional to think about. A great place to start is an Apple Store. Yes, even if you hate the I-phone, love the Droid or belong to a group that hates technology. Go to the Apple Store and watch people buy and buy and buy. Everyone there is happy buying expensive things. That is hopeful. Go to the airport or to a tourist attraction-people are there, they are happy. Does this seem shallow or surface? Sure. But there is no way you can contribute anything useful to your business or your work if you focus on all the bad. Go find some hope and help yourself cope.