Try This Approach And Go To The Next Level

 In Career Change

When most of us say we have “tried everything” to break through previous barriers and raise the bar, what we really mean, of course, is that we have tried everything that we are willing to try. Over time we each develop a structure for our thinking about our business or desired achievements, and our structure is like a house in many ways. Each wall of our house is built from our experiences, education, beliefs and current thoughts on the subject. But that house is built by us and the very structure we have created might be the very thing that is keeping us from reaching the next level.

What do you resist? 

What if the answer, the new level, the pinnacle you seek is hidden behind the elements you are the most unwilling or uninterested in tackling? Think about a major goal you have, such as doubling your income, breaking into new markets, making a major career change or getting your new venture off the ground. Now make a list of the ways you definitely DON’T want to go about it. For example, I wanted more coaching clients but I absolutely refused to give away free sessions. Since 2007 I was dead-set against giving free sessions; even though coaches who charged approximately 10X my fee were offering free sessions, I remained against it. But earlier this year I began offering free sessions from my website, and not only did this action double my business—it also gave me the opportunity to talk with people from all kinds of different industries, which I loved. That idea, which I resisted for reasons I cannot even recall, changed my business dramatically. What do you resist?

Of course, this is not a license to cheat or take an unethical shortcut in business. If you are resisting stealing your competitor’s database—keep resisting that idea. But if instead you are resisting ideas that might take you to new levels, give your customers what they have been begging for, add to your bandwidth or enlist the help you need, then consider setting aside your resistance and giving the new thing a try. You can always go back to the “old house” if you want.

Coaching Assignment:

Ask your team to tell you what you are the most resistant to try.

“Art begins with resistance—at the point where resistance is overcome.” – Andre Gide

B’s Best Resources

The Fuel Journal
The best business/personal goals journal out there! Read more or shop here

I buy this for my coaching clients regularly and have used the book myself for the past three years. It is a spiral-bound workbook and can be a launching pad for developing vision or a roadmap to change your life. It lays a framework for you to think about goals and focus on your dreams. Great for yourself or a gift for your team.


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