Getting Your Team to Produce Results

 In Leadership Advice, Stress

Pick threeHave you ever heard that saying, “the beatings will continue until morale improves”? Sure, it is funny, but it is also reflective of a management habit that pervades our often stress-filled, numbers-focused business world. We really, really need the team to hit those targets, and when they don’t, it brings out the worst in us. We keep pushing and pushing and they push back, and well, it can become a mess. If pushing was the answer, then it would be working. If you are pushing and it is not effective, it’s time to try something different.

Teach your team to focus on fewer areas overall, but with much, much more intensity.  Then help them do just that.

In business coaching I call this the “pick three” strategy. Set aside your stress and pressure for awhile and instead sit down individually with each member of your team and ask them this: If between now and the end of the year (month/quarter) you were to focus your energies on the three most productive, revenue-producing tasks you could perform, what would those three be? They might say something like, “referrals from the new account I just closed; loading my pipeline for the fall installments I’ll need in order to hit my numbers; and attacking the client list that Eli left when he got promoted.” Then ask the team member what obstacles they need help removing so that they can focus almost exclusively on these three tasks. Make a plan together and agree to meet regularly to check in. Do this with every team member, having them each come up with their own three tasks.

One of the most frustrating things about being a manager is that your success relies almost completely on the performance of others. This is where leadership comes into play. Instead of focusing on the frustration, however justified it may be, focus instead on what can be done and help your team do it. If they have obstacles or non-relevant items on their to-do list, advocate to remove those things or delegate them to someone else.

And don’t forget: do your own “pick three” while you are at it!

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