4 Tips to Boost Your Response Reputation
What if every in-person conversation you had over the next week was limited to one word or one sentence responses, devoid of politeness and during a flurry of multitasking activity?
What if this were true about every conversation you had over the next month?
If you are conducting the majority of your business from your smartphone then this pretty much describes how you are coming across to your prospects, your team and your co-workers (and possibly your family). The smartphone was designed to make us more responsive… and in today’s business world being responsive is key. In the process, many people have gotten into the habit of running and entire job or career search via phone because carrying around a laptop or tablet is inconvenient or you may not even have one.
Running your career via smartphone puts you in reactive mode
Here are a few examples:
Responding and reacting vs. leading.
There is a world of difference between shooting someone a response (or command) vs. taking time to craft your message in a way that is well thought-out and articulates your thoughts in way that moves the conversation forward.
Tip 1-
Remember that responding is important but so is teaching, informing, enlightening, leading, supporting, supposing and conversing and none of those can be accomplished in a one line email, IM or text.
Accidentally forwarding and email without removing the conversation thread.
Most of us have unintentionally shared information either because we have trouble with the cut feature on our phones or we simply did not see the whole thread.
Tip 2-
Slow down and wait to forward sensitive stuff until we can view the entire thread on something larger than a 3.5 inch screen.
Seeing the email on the fly and forgetting to respond, or missing it entirely.
While in the flurry and hurry of everyday life missing an email can kill a deal or a working relationship can sour—often without our awareness.
Tip 3-
Take time to manage your in-box from your laptop or desktop daily or weekly can help keep this from happening.
Scheduling a meeting without seeing the whole week, month or quarter.
While it is convenient to pull out your phone and schedule an appointment—it is much “smarter” to do this in the context of your entire week or month or year. The way that you schedule yourself can have a huge impact on your quality of life and work.
Tip 4-
Take time to schedule yourself when you can see the whole picture. It will cut down on overbooking, cancellations and will help you keep your promises.
Being able to react to the minute-by-minute happenings at work is an excellent use of a device. But make sure you use all of the tools available to you so that you can literally see the big picture.