Do You Have a Toxic Top Producer on Your Team?

 In Leadership Advice, Procrastination

Much of my Coaching Minute topics come from themes that I see repeated in the business world and this week’s CM is no exception. One of the most painful situations that I see repeated is that good companies hang on to toxic people in their organization because they have a special skill or knowledge base. Sure this person might be the top enterprise sales rep but the damage he is doing with everyone he interacts with is what makes him toxic. Or maybe she is phenomenal in her area of expertise but micromanages her team or pits people against each other creating a toxic work environment that you may not even be aware of. Today’s coaching minute reveals the top 3 reasons you should consider a change.

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The Highly Engaged Leader

Leader burnout is reaching unprecedented levels. While time off can help, what leaders truly need are enhanced tools and skills to effectively navigate the overwhelming stress and pressure of modern leadership.

  • Custom Handout
  • The Highly Engaged Leader Assessment and Report
  • A Recording of the Program
  • Copy of my book Outsmarting Crazytown