Your 20 Minutes For 2017 Workbook

 In Team building
Sometimes we over-complicate simple tasks with expectations that the setting must be perfect to accomplish the task at hand.
While it’s nice to take time away to reflect and plan ahead it’s not always possible. Much can be accomplished from stopping your work and taking 20 minutes to complete an exercise that sharpens and aligns your focus.
Click the image below for the exercise.  Please save the workbook to your computer, and open on your desktop before typing into it or you can print it out.
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A Workbook to Guide You Through 3 Action Steps to Name it, Blame it, and Reframe it.

People who make a commitment to reduce their stress and find healthy coping strategies can see results right away. Experiencing greater joy, a sense of calm, and a clear, powerful, productive mind is all possible; the resources for reducing nearly any kind of stress are readily available to us. This book is one of those resources.

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