Job ended? Here is why it might be a good thing!
Life has forced you to hit the reset button. Sure it is complicated and terrible timing—but not always a bad thing. Here’s why: Humans tend to make a change and improve from one of two extremes—Thriving at one end and Suffering at the other. Believe it or not—they are both good for making an important life change.
At the THRIVING end of the spectrum, life is great. Our goals are being reached, even exceeded and we are in a place of gratitude and growth. From the thriving place, we seek-out ways to shift, change and improve our knowledge or approach to things and capitalize on the leverage that comes with thriving –like more disposable income, control over our time or access to resources. People who are the thriving end of the spectrum are motivated to stay there which makes them committed to learning new approaches or skills and actively seeking improvement—regardless of how busy they are. I have many inspiring, multi-millionaire clients and colleagues who fit this description.
But don’t get jealous.
No human being escapes the SUFFERING end of the spectrum. Every one of us will have times in life when things crumble, fall apart or overwhelm makes us paralyzed. It is part of life. Being job-free or between gigs (we never, ever say unemployed—it’s a depressing word) is a huge opportunity to hit the reset button in life and make changes that have been ignored or delayed due to complacency of tyranny of the urgent. Hitting the reset button on life can mean being more conscious about where you put your energy and efforts in your next role and what kind of culture is a fit for your wiring and workstyle. It is also a great time to update your physical appearance, get back on your exercise program, eat healthier and de-clutter your home, car and workspace.
Even if the job change was not your first choice—it is now your reality. The sooner you get moving on your re-set the sooner you get to move along the continuum toward thriving. Again.